Jack Dawson
Jack S. Dawson is shareholder of the Oklahoma City law firm of MILLER DOLLARHIDE, where he focuses his practice on general civil litigation and appellate practice.
Mr. Dawson worked his way through college and law school as a court reporter, graduating from Central State University and from Oklahoma City University Law School first in his class.
After admission to the bar in 1972, Mr. Dawson began practicing as a trial lawyer, appearing in all courts from Small Claims to the U.S. Supreme Court, trying all types of cases ranging from murder cases to complex civil cases.
Mr. Dawson has served on numerous arbitration panels and has represented numerous clients in arbitration. He is a frequent lecturer on the CLE circuit, speaking on subjects related to trial practice, including arbitration.
Mr. Dawson was ranked first scholastically in his law class all four years and received the OBA Outstanding Law Student Award his senior year (1972). Offices held include: President, Oklahoma County Bar Association, 1987; President, Federal Bar Association, Oklahoma City Chapter, 1995; Board of Governors, Oklahoma Bar Association, 1995-1997; Vice-President Oklahoma Bar Association, 2007; Chief Master, Professional Responsibility Tribunal, 1993-1994; and Master, American Inns of Court; Trustee Oklahoma Bar Foundation, 2008 to 2014.
Mr. Dawson is admitted to practice in the follow courts:
Oklahoma State Courts
United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma
United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
United States Supreme Court